Friday, September 13, 2019

Marketing Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Marketing Starbucks - Essay Example Further there is provided an overview of the Starbucks Corporation and its current business activity. Based on the key findings of the food and beverage industry and marketing strategy of the Starbucks Corporation there have been developed several recommendations for the American-based coffee retailer operating in the UK market. These recommendations included the following: putting more efforts towards promoting the uniqueness and special Starbucks experience offered to the British customers; focusing more on the development and promotion of the healthy food; developing more flexible pricing strategy, special offers and discounts to the British consumers. Starbucks Corporation has a long history of the transformation and business growth. The company began its existence in 1971 as a roaster and retailer of ground and whole bean coffee, spices and tea in Seattle, US. Nowadays, the company has global presence and its overall business is operated through almost 20, 000 retails stores worldwide (Starbucks Company Profile 2014). The mission of the company is â€Å"to inspire and nurture human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time† (Starbucks Company Profile 2014, 1). The company has aligned its business strategy with the sustainability and has undertaken a set of initiatives aimed at ethical sourcing, environmental stewardship and involvement of community (Starbucks Company Profile 2014). Starbucks is operating in the food and drink sector, namely in the Takeaway and Fast-Food restaurants industry. While the industry has faced a recession during the past few years as a result of global financial crisis, majority of operator have benefited from this as consumer’s behavior shifted from more expensive meals to cheaper alternatives (Connel 2014). Another shift of the consumers’ behavior is continuously increasing towards low-fat, low-salt, and

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